Gaming is to blame for everything in my life.
It teased my curiosity about the world, then pressured me to meet new people and share experiences with them. It fed my addiction to storytelling, compelled me to draw out people's emotions, gently manipulate them, then put them back in a way they would tell their friends about for years. It forced me to read about culture, and history, and mythology, and science, and religion, and forensics, and linguistics. It relentlessly bullied me into becoming a better writer and then pressured me to introduce it to other people. One game is even directly responsible for my ability to do math.
Gaming just wouldn't mind its own business, even when I moved to a new school. I was vulnerable and alone and intimidated and awkward, and some stranger heard me mention it at the lunch table and we haven't stopped talking for thirty years.
Gaming has drawn the most intelligent, creative, kind, giving and supportive people into my life and I just can't get rid of them.
Please, let this happen to you.
Rich Howard was raised in and around the town of Owensboro, which sits on the Ohio River in northwestern Kentucky. He moved to Southern California after high school and completed his bachelors in Marine Biology from UC Santa Cruz in 1993. He spent the next eight years as a veterinary nurse, working and volunteering at emergency hospitals, zoos, aquariums and wildlife rehabilitation centers in California, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand.
His passion for indigenous cultural myth and religion drove him to blend his western medical knowledge with alternative medicine and in 1998 began a career as a holistic health practitioner working with people, pets and wildlife. In 2009 he completed his second bachelor’s degree, this time in human nursing, and currently works as a critical care nurse at UCSD Medical Center in San Diego, CA.
In 1978, his brother introduced him to Dungeons and Dragons, which led him to a life of crime--or at least a penchent for breaking into his sister's room and stuffing blank paper into her neglected typewriter. In 2006 he began the transformation of hobby into profession by publishing his first travel article, blogging about the world, becoming a columnist, and finally a game designer.
He spends his time hosting game nights with his wife, raising a new generation of gamers, cultivating his freelance writing career, and doing his best to make the lives of the critically ill and their families a little bit easier.
rich @
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