Monday, February 11, 2013

Playlist for Geeks

Over the years, I've made a small collection of covers and originals featuring songs about classic geek loves. Time to share. Many of these can be found on iTunes, or for free on their respective websites. The first two have hilarious YouTube videos (included below), with links to their sites from there.

If you have any other geek songs I should know about, leave them in the comments below.

Geek Playlist

The Ballad of Barry Allen
Ring Capacity
Star Wars that I Used to Know
Batman, Maybe
Through the Fire and Flames
In the Garage
Still Alive
Superman (It's not Easy)
It's the End of the 'Verse as We Know It
Do you Wanna Date my Avatar
The Soundtrack to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog


  1. This is one of my favorite geek songs.

  2. And so I got to say...
    Your dread was holdin'
    Smoke bombs, you were throwin'
    Dark knight, cape was flowin'
    What the hell you doin' lately!
